

The association Valtenbergwichtel e.V.

Already in 1969 there was an active youth club in Neukirch with various volunteer activities. From this, the youth association “Valtenbergwichtel e.V.” developed in the 90s, which later became a recognized sponsor of independent child and youth welfare.

Over the years, we have gained a lot of experience in this area and have established partnerships throughout the “social area of Oberland”and even beyond. As you can see, it’s quite a big area.

After the opening of youth centres in Neukirch and Wilthen and the Mobile Youth Work, more and more locations for school social work were added. They can now be found in Cunewald, Neukirch, Sohland and Wilthen.

Today, the registered association Valtenbergwichtel e.V. is also the provider of the Voluntary Ecological Year internship, the organiser of the project “Hiking for children and young people” and the operator of the Wichtelpension guesthouse.

Map of Valtenbergwichtel departments

In the socio-pedagogical work of our association, we accompany, support and enable children and young people to lead their lives in a self-determined and responsible way..

We stand for open and diverse offers and respond to the different needs of girls* and boys*. We use our firm roots in the community, but always remain partial to our addressees.

Based on respect, tolerance and recognition, we strive for the highest possible degree of co-determination and participation for our members, employees and clients.

The educational offers of the registered association Valtenbergwichtel e.V. are available to all young peopleregardless of their religion, sexual identity, origin and cultural or social background..

Valtenbergwichtel e.V.

Our Vision

We are a team of equals. We feel responsible for cultural offers as well as children’s and youth work in the Bautzener Oberland region. We realise our ideas with fun, interest and creativity.

Board of Directors


Elisabeth Klinkhammer


Patrick Rentsch

stellvertretender Vorstandsvorsitzender

Paul Frenzel


Adrienne Kurze


Philip Gräubig


Sebastian Hensel


“Commitment means getting nothing in return and still doing things as if you will get rich from it”
(David Tatuljan)



Ines Helbig

Verwaltung und Buchhaltung

Tilo Moritz


Candy Winter

stellv. Geschäftsführerin

Active Volunteers

Behind the registered association Valtenbergwichtel e.V. there are an incredible number of helping hands. Without them, some things would not run the way they do.

Currently, there are 45 association members aged 16-45 and another 30-40 volunteerswho support the association without permanent membership.

They participate mainly out of the pure joy of this work, because:

“Creativity is the fun you can sell as work.”
(Andy Warhol).

On our homepage you can discover many exciting areas in which YOU could also get involved: Not only do hard-working elves regularly take over the Neukirch Tresen, they also support the educational area, e.g. in the baby club or organise concerts in our beautiful vaults.

And if you’ve ever come across spookily dressed-up characters in the local woods, they could also be our volunteers who, as“horror gnomes”, like to keep adventure-seekers on their toes with scary and beautiful scavenger hunts.

YouTube video: To play the YouTube video, please click on the image. Please be advised that by starting the YouTube video, data will be transmitted to YouTube.

If you would also like to become an elf and support our association – with or without a fixed membership – then simply contact us or fill out the application below! We look forward to seeing you!

For membership applications

    Anrede: *

    Vorname: *

    Nachname: *

    Straße, Nr.: *

    PLZ *, Ort: *

    Telefon *, Mobil:

    E-Mail: *


    Datenschutz: Ich stimme zu, dass meine Angaben und Daten zur Beantwortung meiner Anfrage elektronisch erhoben und gespeichert werden. Sie können Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen. Ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen.

    * Pflichfelder

    Volunteering is not just a thing

    With this project, the registered association Valtenbergwichtel e.V. would like to provide a suitable offer of free further training and workshopsfor people from the Bautzner Oberland who are involved in voluntary work.

    In this way, we would like to contribute to the development of association structures, their consolidation and to their adequate visibility. At the same time, we would like to help current and future actors to acquire the necessary tools to make their participation in our community enjoyable and successful, and hopefully to get to know each other better than before.

    We cordially invite you to accompany us on this journey.

    You can downloadthe brochure with all the offers of the project here.

    You can apply conveniently via our form, email or letter.

    Offers and events calendar
    Here you will find a digital calendar of all the offers on our list.

    We are happy to answer any questions, ideas or specific requests you may have.

    The project “Volunteering is not a commodity, Part II / Ehrenamt ist keine Verfügungsmasse Ausbaustufe II” is funded by:


    Having fun and enjoying our work, our offers and our community are important prerequisites for high quality.

    IIn order to maintain or improve this quality, we are in a continuous process of development and further training, where both our permanent staff and our volunteers meet as equals.

    We achieve these guiding principles through:

    1. Equality and equal rights
    without “egalitarianism”

    2. Democratic style of work

    3. Sense of community

    4. Freedom of expression

    5. Professionalism and effectiveness

    6. Active engagement

    7. Transparent coexistence

    8. Creativity

    9. Enjoyment of the work

    10. Present a united front to the public and to the members of the association

    Being an association means more to us than just a legal basis. For us, it means that we can share a wealth of ideas and opportunities together.

    Here you will find the statutes of the registered association Valtenbergwichtel e.V.:

    Where are we heading?

    Strategic goals

    Our association has a lot of plans for the next five years.
    In order to keep this in mind at all times, the permanent staff and volunteers formulated six objectives:

    Corporate Identity:

    The registered association Valtenbergwichtel e.V. has a professionally designed corporate identity according to which all employees act.

    Democracy building:

    The registered association Valtenbergwichtel e.V. fulfils its statutory mandate according to the German Social Security Code SGB 8 §11 (1), with an emphasis on co-determination and self-determination and the assumption of social responsibility. This is reflected both in the form of concrete offers and projects as well as in the basic attitude in the everyday work of all professionals.

    Children and youth tourism:

    The registered association Valtenbergwichtel e.V. naturally also supports children’s and youth tourism and is considered an important partner for regional tourism in the Bautzener Oberland. By working together with a wide variety of cooperation partners and thus offering diverse, attractive and innovative offers in children’s and youth tourism, the association contributes to strengthening its home region.

    Cultural work:

    Both permanent and voluntary staff are indispensable elements of the cultural activities of the registered association Valtenbergwichtel e.V. All professionals help to ensure that volunteering is perceived as an attractive and valued activity both by those already active and by potential young volunteers.


    The registered association Valtenbergwichtel e.V. will contribute to the preservation of the natural basis of life (in global responsibility), which is recognisable to us and others. The meaningfulness of this action is understood by all our employees. It is reflected in reduced resources used and increased reuse and recycling.

    School social work:

    The school social work department actively contributes to the positive public image of the registered association Valtenbergwichtel e. V. in the Bautzener Oberland and beyond.

    Über uns

    Valtenbergwichtel e.V. Kultur,- Kinder- und Jugendarbeit im Oberland


    Valtenbergwichtel e.V.
    Forstweg 5
    01904 Neukirch


    8:00 – 16:00 Uhr
    Telefon: 035951 32055

    2024 - Valtenbergwichtel e.V. | Impressum | Datenschutzerklärung