Mobile Youth Work

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Mobile Youth Work

Mobile Youth Work

Not all young people have contact with the social work of their school or can and want to go to the youth centre. They prefer to meet in public places or in self-managed youth clubs.

Since they also have a right to support in the sense of youth welfare, we have mobile or field work. It goes and drives to where the young people are instead of waiting for them in the office. Our Mobile Youth Work is responsible for theentire Bautzener Oberland. Here you can see which municipalities are included:

Mobile Youth Work in the Bautzner Oberland
Mobile Youth Work in the Bautzner Oberland


Our aim is to support children and young people in exercising their rights. We are using four different methods:

Individual work

Individual work is a counselling offer in private for very individual concerns. Here we are fully committed – namely to youths. Their interests are our top priority. We consider them our clients.

That is why we provide counselling anonymously, without keeping records and with confidentiality. Your confidential issues are in good hands with us. If you have any questions, ideas or concerns, just get in touch with our Team or use this contact form!

Your data and your request will be treated strictly confidential and will only be used in your interest. You are guaranteed to receive a reply from us within 5 working days.

Contact form


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    Group work

    In group work, we do not work with individuals, but – as the name suggests – with groups of children and young people. These can be already existing groups or young people get to know each other through a common interest in one of our projects: from a trip to the trampoline hall to graffiti workshops to assertiveness courses especially for girls, almost anything is possible. Sometimes it’s just a single activity during the holidays, but often it results in permanent groups that then keep spinning ideas for new projects.

    It is always important to us that we not only carry out the activities together, but also plan them. That’s why we specifically ask for your opinion and support you in discussing different points of view and finding common ways.

    When working with groups and in the community we also often cooperate with the schools in the Oberland. You are therefore welcome to contact us if you are interested in a joint project as a whole class!

    These low-cost offers are made possible by the funding of the district of Bautzen and the support of companies and businesses in the region, such as Elektroanlagenbau Neukirch GmbH, LAKOWA GmbH and Kreissparkasse Bautzen. This will enable us to go to various camps again next summer. Have a look at our Calendar!

    Community work

    Community work means everything that benefits the community, i.e. the people who live in the place. It aims to shape the living environment of children and young people and to involve them in the community. Because people like mayors and young people often find it difficult to come together in everyday life, Mobile Youth Work tries to create an interface and mediate between the parties.

    The “48-hour action” is a typical offer within this method. Within that, youth groups of all kinds are supposed to implement charitable projects over a weekend and are supported by us. And thanks to the Ostsächsische and the Kreissparkasse Bautzen, you can even win something in the process. You can find out more here:

    Currently, our work in two communities has resulted in youth centres that we are supporting: In Cunewalde and Kirschau, we sat down with different representatives of the community, the citizens and of course with children and young people and worked out together how such “own” spaces could be made possible for young people in the village. This programme helped us. Youth moves community (Jugend bewegt Kommune). Have a look at our calendar , when you can play table football, do handicrafts or just hang out there!


    Street work is seeking out young people at their meeting places. These can be park benches, public spaces or self-managed youth clubs. Our aim here is not to control the young people or even to drive them away from these places, but to get to know them. We learn to look at their environment from their perspective. In this way, we learn about current interests and needs and find out where we can provide support. IIn the best case, this also prevents conflicts within the community..

    Sometimes, the street work can lead not only to a single holiday excursion, but also a longer-term cooperation, for example when a group no longer wants to meet only outside, but would like to use “their own” space. Then we will be happy to help you start a conversation with the municipality about it. That’s why you can also get in touch with us if you have problems at your spaces or ideas for designing and improving your places.

    But even if you are already organised in a youth club, you can contact us. In such cases, Mobile Youth Work often takes on the role of mediator between the youth club and the local governmentand advises on club matters, such as finances, legal issues or how to get along in the club.

    Contact Mobile Youth Work

    If you prefer to come in person, you can find us here:

    Youth Association Valtenbergwichtel e.V.
    Mobile Youth Work
    Forstweg 5
    01904 Neukirch

    • Phone: +49 35951 35829
    • Fax:+ 49 35951 32057

    We are on the road a lot, but every Monday during school hours from 3pm to 4.30pm is our contact time There’s always someone from our office there. Further dates by arrangement.

    Team Mobile Jugendarbeit

    Mobile Youth Work
    Candy Winter
    Heiner Schröder
    Julia Wnetrzak

    Internship Mobile Youth Work

    Fancy an internship with us? This is possible for social work students and trainees (educators)! Applicants should send questions and supporting documents to: Map of Mobile Youth Work in the Bautzner Oberland area here.

    This project is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget passed bythe members of the Saxon State Parliament.


    Über uns

    Valtenbergwichtel e.V. Kultur,- Kinder- und Jugendarbeit im Oberland


    Valtenbergwichtel e.V.
    Forstweg 5
    01904 Neukirch


    8:00 – 16:00 Uhr
    Telefon: 035951 32055

    2024 - Valtenbergwichtel e.V. | Impressum | Datenschutzerklärung