Education for sustainable development

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Education for sustainable

Education for sustainable development (ESD)

Have you ever asked yourself questions like these?

1. How do my decisions affect people of future generations or in other parts of the world?

2. What impact does it have, for example, how I consume, which means of transport I use or which and how much energy I consume?

3. What are the global mechanisms that lead to conflict, terror and flight?

The project „Education for Sustainable Development“ will help you to find the answer! It aims to enable people to understand the impact of their own actions on the world and to make responsible choices. This requires skills and abilities such as independent action, forward thinkingor social participation.

Sustainable Development

„Only cut as much wood as the forest can handle! As much wood as can grow back“ was how Hans-Karl von Carlowitz first formulated the principle of sustainability in 1713. Since then, the concept of sustainability has evolved. Today, it refers to more than just the environment as the economy and society influence each other, after all.

Sustainability circles

The way of life in many countries of the Global North is characterised by high levels of consumption, resource use, energy consumption, traffic and waste. This only works at the expense of other regions of the Earth or future generations.

Sustainable development therefore aims to allow people and states to continue to develop and grow, but not without limits and without depriving others of their livelihoods in the process – neither now nor in future generations.

ESD Saxony Logo

The topic of ESD has also experienced an enormous increase in importance in Germany. Since 2017, there have been strategies at federal and state level with concrete goals and recommendations for action. And the association Valtenbergwichtel e.V. wants to make a contribution to this!

Contact ESD

Janet Conrad
  • Leader of the BBNE sub-project „Future Generation – the Professionals of Tomorrow“ / Consultant on ESD
  • Dipl. Ing. (TU) Landscape Architecture, M.A. Social Gerontology and Community Educator
  • Phone: +49 (0)151 743 802 61
  • E-mail:
  • Janet Valtenbergwichtel

Practically at the association Valtenbergwichtel e.V.

The association Valtenbergwichtel e.V. understands ESD as a comprehensive conceptand has anchored it in its strategic goals. It actively develops the management of its institutions according to the principles of sustainability as an ESD learning site. These include, for example:

  • The use of resources
  • Energy supply
  • Catering regional and ethically produced organic products
  • Further training opportunities for all employees
  • Maximum possible participation and democratic decision-making processes for all at the place of learning
  • Cooperation with initiatives, associations, institutions, companies, municipalities

Club Global at the Wilthen Youth Centre

Within the framework of the „Club Global“ project, we want to enable young people to look beyond their own noses, encourage them to change their perspectives, discover global aspects in their everyday lives with them and try out options for actionthat are close to their lives. They are enabled to critically question global developments and develop competences to help shape them. In the regular offers, children and young people learn primarily through joint activities and open discussions. . Important values are taught and empathy and co-determination are strengthened. Key thematic areas are food, textiles, cosmetics and upcycling/DIY. For example, there is a regular cooking and baking programme in the youth centre to create awareness among the young people about the origin and preparation of products. Another offer is the creative workshop, where participants are encouraged to upcycle or make their own products.

Camps & Tipps


Free thematic camps on sustainability and career orientation in Saxony:

Meeting people, having fun, discovering new things and developing ideas for the future – that is the idea behind the „Six Days for Future“.
Exciting excursions, interesting encounters and exciting workshops on many various topics await you at the thematic camps. Everything revolves around the question of how we want to live and work in the future. .

Find out how you can do something for the climate, the environment and your fellow human beings in every job! Try something new, shape the future and maybe even find your dream job!

For all young people aged 13 to 24 living in Saxony (except the Leipzig region), Thuringia, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg and Saxony-Anhalt. Participation and overnight stay are free of charge! Information and registration:

Note about funding: The project „Future Generation – the Professionals of Tomorrow“ is funded under the ESF federal programme „Promoting Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable Development. Via key green competences to climate and resource-friendly action at work (BBNE)“ by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the European Social Fund.

Immediate tips for sustainable handling

And until then the pyramid of sustainability is a perfect guide for your consumer behaviour: Ask yourself before every purchase: Do I really need this? Or can I borrow it somewhere? Buy used or exchange it? Or maybe even make it yourself?

It is liberating not to just buy in the spur of the moment. Items that we have wanted for a long time or that we really need then fill us with much more happiness.

More links with useful tips and tricks:

Über uns

Valtenbergwichtel e.V. Kultur,- Kinder- und Jugendarbeit im Oberland


Valtenbergwichtel e.V.
Forstweg 5
01904 Neukirch


8:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Telefon: 035951 32055

2025 - Valtenbergwichtel e.V. | Impressum | Datenschutzerklärung